Laying low for a bit

tayke2 On 9:09 PM

Sorry for the lack of posts I've been busy with work and spring break. Just got back from Hawaii with the gf freakin awesome little burned but its all good. Been running strictly 90 person turbo ko's recently. 3 buck, 6 buck, 11 buck, and 24 bucks. Had great success so far. Won two 24 buy ins and a 2nd, along with a 3 buck win and a 3rd in an 11 buck got my roll up to about 1100. The plan is to have a solid roll for FTOPS satellites coming up in May. Also with the economy in shambles work is hard to come by so I'm expecting to play alot this summer and the upcoming months. Should have some fun reports thanks for reading should have more posts coming up.

Have been taking break

tayke2 On 12:07 PM

Hey guys mostly been playing some sit n go KOs but I should have some time today to pla ysome smaill multis. But I also wanted to post my heads up brackets here. They might be hard to follow but here they are a day late. As you can see, JC Tran and David Benyamine are in my final 4 both out! whoops! If anyone would liek an exsplanation as to who I picked and why I'd be happy to elaborate but it was msotly educated guessing :) Hope to have a tourney report by the end of the day!


Chan beats Elezra. Lingren beats lederer. Tran beats Williams. Fischman beats gold

Siedel beats Phan Yang beats Gowen Cunningham beats Farha Bloch beats Eastgate.

Lindgren beats Chan. Tran beats Fischman. Siedel beats Yang Cunningham beats bloch

Tran beats Lindgren Siedel beats Cunningham. Tran beats Siedel. Winner: JC Tran


Tran beats esfandari Raymer over harmen Laak over yeh Selbst over Flack Benyamine over gus Seed over Little; Brown over Chorny Duke over Garrett

Raymer over Tran Laak over Selbst Benyamine over Seed Duke over Brown

Raymer over Laak Benyamine over Duke

Benyamine over Raymer Winner: Benyamine


Pham over Cheadle Wasicka over Joy Ivey over Tilly Brunson over Russo Nguyen over Khan Forrest over Herschiler Neguraneu over Moneymaker Matusow over Mineri

Pham over Wasicka. Ivey over Brunson. Nguyen over Forrest. Negraneu over Matusow

Ivey over Phan Negraneu over Nguyen

Negraneu over Ivey Winner: Negraneu


Jesus over Kaplan Juanda vs Hachem. Sahamies over Smith. Elky over Collins. Yanoski over Ishbia hellmuth over Sexton Dwan vs Gaffin Greenstien over Gines

Jesus over Juanda. Elky over Sahamies. Hellmuth over Yanoski Greenstein over Dwan

Elky over Jesus Greenstein over Hellmuth

Elky over Greenstein Winner: Elky

Final 4

Tran over Benyamine Negraneu over Elky Negraneu over Tran.