Not the most pleasent experience

tayke2 On 6:06 PM

So this was my first time at Commerce Casino and it was an interesting experience. I get there at noon for the 1 o clock tourney thinking I was getting there early. As I go up the stairs I c that there are about 400ish people ahead of me in line. But I still figured I would get in with plenty of time. So I talk for a while with the guys in front of me nice guys made the time go by fast. Well it got to 1 o clock and I was no where near the front. About 1:30 I finally get registered with the alternate number of 416! They had just called the alternate number 56! So I still had a longgg ways to go. I play some blackjack and win bout 40 bucks. Then I get into the room and it was a massive field. Ended up being 1500+ people with a 139k 1st prize!! So two hours into the tournament at 3 o clock I finally get my seat. Sadly I have 3k in chips with blinds already at 100 200. So not much play left for me.

No surprise I sit down and am immediately in the BB! K5 of spades see a flop 866 almost! A round goes by and I have QQ utg. I raise to 700 the big stack calls on the button. Flop comes J75. I bet 800 and he folds was really hopin for an AJ or something for a quick double up. A few hands later I limp with KJ suited and then call a 500 raise since 3 others called. Flop 663 lame! Down to about 2500. So blinds go through me again with no hands the big stack limps utg and I shove 2200 with 66 and he folds up to 2700. Another round and I call a small all in with 108 suited no luck. Get down all the way to 1700 with 100 200 blinds and a 25 ante. I push in late position with J9 not wanting to get short. The bb insta calls and flips up AA. No luck for me.

Pretty upset right now was put in handcuffs from the start and needed a quick double up but oh well. Not sure when the next live tourney will be. Thanks for reading.

1 Response to "Not the most pleasent experience"

  1. Freakin rough dude, that sucks. Have you played there before?