First Cash out of the Semester!!

tayke2 On 3:19 PM

Sorry for the delay on the details of my second big cash but here they are. So the tournament I got 3rd in was a daily 30 dollar turbo that starts at like 2:30 each day. Its a tournament that has tortured me in the past. I've probably played it about 8 times, and finished one table from the money at least 3 times. The tournament usually gets anywhere from 60 to 100 people with the final table being paid out. So it surprised me when I logged in and there were 200 people registered and 27 spots paid out. Anyways I play it, and get to 3 handed when the SB big stack pushes all in on my AK(deja vu all over again from the previous nite). I snap call, only to have my internet disconnect right when the cards come. So its either I'm dominant chip leader or out in 3rd, and sadly it was the latter. I have no idea how the board ran out, but the guy claims to have had 22. Lame.

Full Tilt checks are apparently working now, coming in a reasonalbe time and have not been bouncing, so I requested a check of 3200 and its been approved and is on the way so very excited about that. This will be the biggest cash out I've recieved in poker, and puts my total at around 15.2k in my hand. Pretty awesome. Also, I set my goal for the semester at 5000 dollars, and it's awesome to already be over halfway there. Down day today lost pretty much everything but its all good nly lost about 100 or so. Thanks for reading more updates coming.

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